Time is running out to avail of the course and great bonuses!

Enrollment closes in:

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Watch Intro Video

Course Overview


Free Extra Resources to Ensure Your Success with Your WellBeing Prescription

  • 30mins 1:1 Session

    A limited number of early subscribers can access a free 30 minute 1:1 coaching call with The WellBeing Pharmacist. This call will support you with implementing any aspect of the course.

  • Finding Peace in a Pandemic

    I am particularly excited about this bonus where I have gathered learnings from my teachers combined with my own practical experience in managing my anxiety throughout a pandemic. This resource is filled with practical tips, ideas and supports for looking after your mental wellbeing in what is an unprecedented time.

  • Course Planner

    For those of you who love organisation and list-ticking as much as I do, this bonus is for you! I developed this bonus to help people work through the course in a way that stops them becoming overwhelmed. This course planner will help you move through the course in a step-by-step, signposted manner to avoid overwhelm and increase satisfaction and enjoyment!


  • Do I get immediate access to the full course?

    Yes, once the course starts on Wednesday October 7th, you receive immediate access to the complete course.

  • How long do I get access for?

    You get lifetime access to the course. This allows you to go back through the course to try out new wellbeing activities once your initial activities have become habits.

  • Who is this course for?

    This course if for anyone who wants increased calm and fulfillment in their lives.

  • Can I download the material?

    Yes, you can download the course material. A lot of courses, don't allow this but it is important to me that you can easily access the material when you need to so you are supported on your wellbeing journey.

  • How long will it take me to complete the course?

    It is recommended that the course takes two months to complete. You can work on it at your own pace. The bonus course planner helps you to work through the course at the recommended pace so you get the most benefit and give yourself adequate time to explore which activities you want to add to your life, and which ones you want to remove!

  • Is there a guarantee/refund policy?

    Yes, 30 days, no questions asked.

  • If I have a question that comes up during the course, how do I get it answered?

    There is a Facebook group that all students have access to for questions and support. There is also a support email for any course technical or admin issues.

  • Do you make updates to the course, if so do I get these updates?

    Yes, you get access to any course updates. That's why it's best to sign up on the first run of this course as it is at the best value it will ever be at. As content gets added, value increases as will the price so get in now!

You Can Be Calm

Would you like a toolkit where you can separate yourself from your stress rather than being dominated by it?

Client Testimonials

Holly, 28, Cork

1:1 Client

Thank you Jean for assisting me on my journey of self discovery and being a great mentor! My sessions with you gave me time to actually focus on me- and to manage the thoughts (both positive and negative) that I had on my mind. You are a great listener and showed me how to set goals for myself. I now meditate regularly and also have new hobbies which I am really enjoying. I have taken a lot away from our sessions and will continue to use the tools I have learned from you. Thanks Jean!

Shannah, 33, London

1:1 Client

Jean is an incredibly talented, natural coach. Her empathy combined with her thoughtful and sincere personality make her easy to open up to and wonderful to work with. She has been an inspiring coach who always seemed to ask the right questions which led me to think about things deeper and grasp a new perspective. It’s more than her empathy and ability to focus on someone else; she is uniquely able to distill what she has heard into valuable insight. Jean is intuitive and a genuine listener and has an ability to bring your vision to life. I’m very grateful to have worked with her during our coaching training and highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking to transform and up-level their life.

3 Month 1:1 Coaching Programme

Your anxiety doesn't need to hold you back any longer, it's time to live a life that is calm, clear and courageous.

Course Content Overview

Preview of content covered in each of the four main modules

  • Emotions Module - learn about processing, releasing and holding space for emotions. Here you also fill out an important section of The WellBeing Model.

  • Mind Module- learn about how your mind works and how even though it might think it is doing a good job it can actually work against your wellbeing goals. Fill in a further section of your Model, add your first item to your wellbeing prescription!

  • Body Module - rebuild your trust in the strength and power of your body and experience how the core elements of this module - rest, embodiment and movement are pillars in maintaining your mental wellbeing

  • Soul Module - this is a powerful module to reacquaint oursleves with our inner selves. We look at the power of finding your purpose, rekindling your creativity, increasing fun and play in our lives and connecting to something outside of ourselves be it other people, spirituality or nature.

Pricing options

You could try to work this out yourself. You could go to different practitioners to work on these three pillars of mental wellbeing, the mind, the body and the soul. I have given you the tools in this course to do this work for yourself. Building this type of relationship with yourself, using the skills learned in this course will be a lifelong support to your mental wellbeing. You will readily be able to tell when you are going out of balance and know the actions to take to reach equilibrium again. This is the first time this course is being run. Hence why it is incredibly good value for the amount of content it contains. When you factor in the bonuses and support it’s kind of ridiculous value at only €147!!

Icons & text

  • Facebook Group

    A supported Facebook Group where you share you successes, struggles and look for inspiration and accountability. Get all your queries answered here in a non judgmental, supportive and fun environment.

  • 1:1 Coaching Bonus

    A limited number of early subscribers can access a 30 minute 1:1 coaching call with The WellBeing Pharmacist. This call will support you with implementing any aspect of the course.

  • Lifetime Access

    With lifetime access you can repeat the course and will be the first to receive new content. Each time you will take something new from it. You will up-level your wellbeing, improve your wellbeing mindset and feel calmer and more fulfilled.

Let's work on Your WellBeing, together

Let's Go!

We have two months together, during what may possibly be a difficult winter (luckily we have the Finding Peace in a Pandemic bonus to help us further here!). You deserve to give yourself this time, space and support to feel calmer and more fulfilled in your life. See you on the inside! xxx

Do you regularly feel anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated that you can't break free from this cycle of anxiety?

You don’t know how to switch off and relax


You are constantly trying to work out solutions to perceived problems in the future


You are not sure what you find truly enjoyable in your life


You feel stretched too thin in too many directions


You wish you could stop overthinking but feel you have no control over your brain's chatter.


You hide your anxiety as you don’t want people to think you are not capable.


I want to let you know you are not alone, for most of my life I felt the same until I learned the tools and mindset required to break free from the grip of my anxiety.

You Can Be Calm

Would you like a framework and toolkit where you can separate yourself from your anxiety rather than being dominated by it?

A Calm, Curious, Courageous mindset looks like....

Feeling relaxed in social situations - so you can actually have fun and enjoy yourself!

Feeling more connected to yourself and those around you 

Being able to make calmer, clearer decisions in your life.

Experiencing what it feels like to be truly present.

Being free from overthinking, procrastination and perfectionism.

Using your calmer, clearer, courageous mindset to direct you towards your true life goals.

This is where I am at and I would love to help you get there too.


From an anxious mindset to a calm, clear, courageous one

We work together over three months to create a totally different mindset which is rooted in a calm connection to the whole of ourselves. Our mindset is crucial, it affects everything in our lives. This is why when we have an anxiety mindset, we suffer. I show you how to step out of the anxious mindset and shift to a calmer mindset. We dissolve the anxiety mindset so it doesn’t over power you and get a grip in areas of your life.

Hi, I'm Jean, Anxiety Coach and Pharmacist

and I have been exactly where you are right now.

I was someone who let the anxious mindset lead me up until my mid-twenties. At this point I ended up close to burn out trying to achieve everything my mind felt was important in leading a worthwhile life.

This turning point was crucial for me as it led me to seek help to assist me in untangling myself from the mind's strict schedules and beliefs and to be able to tune into signals from my body and soul which were always there in the background trying to guide me.

In order to step out of the cycle of repeated periods of anxiety and overwhelm you need to learn to drop into the body and to hear insights from the soul part of yourself. When your mind, body and soul are working in harmony together you get to live a life that is calm, fulfilled and happy. 

I now run my dream business from a space of calm alignment. I am readily able to take signals from my body and soul to remain in a state of balance and fulfillment.

Introducing Calm, Clear, Courageous

A 3 month 1:1 coaching programme for women who want to shift from anxious to courageous

Over our three months together, I will give you everything you need to:

Shift from an Anxious Mindset to one where you are in control of your mind and put it to use in an intentional manner to reach your goals

Develop a powerful Body Connection which keeps you out of anxiety and in a state of calm alignment

Learn to tune in to your Soul Speak so you can move forward in your life in a way that is truly aligned to your values and desires.

Calm, Clear, Courageous

Here is what we will cover in our three months together:

Mindset Shift

  • Coaching is very beneficial for anxiety because often we can only think from our our anxious mindset. This fixed mindset around anxiety means we are not in a strong position to see things from a different perspective. Working together we deconstruct your anxious mindset, dissolve its power over you, so that you have more space to create a more supportive mindset which allows you to move forward in a calmer, more aligned way.

  • Once you can see how your mind works you can actually begin to harness the power of your mind and direct in a way you want it to go. Learning to intentionally use your mind is a life changing skill that ensures you keep moving forward and reach your goals.

  • You get super clear on what activities you need to carry out to maintain your calmer, courageous mindset and how you can adapt these activities if required as you move out of coaching.

Body Connection

  • An anxious mindset keeps us trapped in our heads. It disconnects us from our bodies. It can even set up a distrust in our bodies as often the symptoms of our anxiety show up in our body - tummy troubles, tight chest/neck/shoulders, physical shaking, the list can go on and on.

  • In this month we rebuild our relationship with our bodies. We learn to trust the signals our bodies are giving us instead of treating them like enemies. This unlocks a whole new way of working with and looking at ourselves.

  • With your new ability to master your body connection you take actions that are aligned with your body's needs. We pick activities that are supportive of your body but also challenge it to get stronger and to be a real resource for your wellbeing and for continued anxiety prevention.

Soul Speak

  • This is a powerful month where you get reacquainted with your inner self. Being able to take insights from this deeper part of yourself means you can show up in the world in a way that is connected and calm.

  • The work done in the previous months on dialling down the anxious mind and tuning into our bodies leads us to be able to hear our soul insights. You get to try out different tools and activities to ignite and take action from this deeper understanding within you.

  • We build in the time and supports requied to ensure you can access this innate guidance system going forward.

  • Clients often enjoy the soul speak work the most as it's focus isn't on 'fixing' some part of ourselves but tapping into the creative, resourceful part of us that is always present to us.

''It is said that all you are seeking is also seeking you. If you lie still, sit still, it will find you. It has been waiting for you for a long time.''

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Client Testimonials

Holly, 28, Cork

1:1 Client

Thank you Jean for assisting me on my journey of self discovery and being a great mentor! My sessions with you gave me time to actually focus on me- and to manage the thoughts (both positive and negative) that I had on my mind. You are a great listener and showed me how to set goals for myself. I now meditate regularly and also have new hobbies which I am really enjoying. I have taken a lot away from our sessions and will continue to use the tools I have learned from you. Thanks Jean!

Shannah, 33, London

1:1 Client

Jean is an incredibly talented, natural coach. Her empathy combined with her thoughtful and sincere personality make her easy to open up to and wonderful to work with. She has been an inspiring coach who always seemed to ask the right questions which led me to think about things deeper and grasp a new perspective. It’s more than her empathy and ability to focus on someone else; she is uniquely able to distill what she has heard into valuable insight. Jean is intuitive and a genuine listener and has an ability to bring your vision to life. I’m very grateful to have worked with her during our coaching training and highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking to transform and up-level their life.

Let's work on Your Anxiety, together

Let's Go!

What's included in Calm, Clear, Courageous 3 month Anxiety Tamer Programme

  • 3 Monthly one-to-one meetings per month for 3 months 

  • Ongoing email and Voxer support

  • Worksheets, trackers, tools and resources

  • Access to a Private Facebook Group

  • Pre-recorded video trainings

  • Lifetime access to your own personal Thinkific programme site where you can access resources and trainings that we worked on.


Free Extra Resources to Ensure Your Success

  • Emotions

  • Lifetime Access to Videos

What will I learn over our three months together

....and how is this programme going to help me feel calmer and more fulfilled in my life

Everything I have learned in order to live a calm, connected and clear life is contained in this programme. I have combined my experience and learnings and translated these into tools, teachings and practical activities that can be used to increase calm and clarity in your life. Coaching is about you and accessing your inner knowing of what you need to be calm. Working together we spark this insight and knowing in you by doing a deep dive into your Mindset, Body and Soul.

Let's work on Your Anxiety, together

Let's Go!

We have three months together, during what is a challenge environment as pandemic restrictions continue (luckily we have the Finding Peace in a Pandemic bonus to help us further here!). You deserve to give yourself this time, space and support to feel calmer and more fulfilled in your life. Book your discovery call now to learn more about working together.